Proud Pigeon
Archangel - Notable for the metallic sheen of its feathers. They are clean legged and have dark orange eyes. They may or may not be crested. The body of the bird is bronze or gold with wings that are either black, white, or blue. This breed is also known as the Gimpel, which is German for European Bullfinch.
Barb- This is a very old breed of domestic pigeons. It was originated from Europe, England and North Africa. This is a medium sized pigeon with short, thick curved beak, long body and a short neck. The knobby flesh around the eyes called the cere is coral red and the eyes are white with black pupils. The colors are white, yellow, dun, black and red.
Bukhara Trumpeter - The breed is known for its long muffed (feathered) feet and double crest.
Carneau- This is a utility pigeon from Belgium and also France. It is also a show bird with a short, compact, heavy-set broad-breast. It has large eyes with a smooth, flesh-colored or well cere and a beak of medium length and stout with a V-shaped wattle. The colors are yellow, red, white, black and dun color and the plumage is close fitting.
Carrier- Originated in Persia, was thought of for years as the "King of Pigeons". It was bred to carry messages and was raised because of the homing ability but now is just a fancy variety. It has a large body, enormous wattles around the beak and has close fitting plumage and is also tall. The colors are red, yellow, white, dun, blue and black.
Cumulet- This pigeon is originated from France. It is the ancestor of the Racing Homer, is a medium sized pigeon, has a full chest and a well-proportioned body with long wings and short legs. The color is usually only white but some have red flecks on the neck and head.
Dragoon- Originated from English. This is a cross between the Horseman and Tumbler and has a wedge-shaped head, with a short blunt beak and peg-shaped wattle. The colors are a dark reddish-purple in blues, checkers, grizzles, and silvers. This pigeon is poised, has a wedge-shaped boy, short legs and a thick short neck, is actually very heavy weight up to 20 ounces.
Fantail- Originated in India, is known as the broad-tailed shaker. It has a small head, slender neck, fan-shaped tail with a small body and a chest carried upright higher that it's head which rests on the cushion formed by the tail feathers. The most popular color is white, but other colors are yellow, red, blue, black, silver, dun, checker and saddle. This is one of the most beautiful of all pigeons.
Indian Fantail - The introduction of this variety to the U.S.A. was a strange one. In 1926. A shipment of four pythons was on its way to the San Diego Zoo in California from India. The journey over seas lasted many days and to ensure the reptiles didn’t go hungry, Indian fantail pigeons, found exclusively in India until then, were given to the pythons as snake feed. By the time the ship reached California, only two survived. The keepers at the San Diego Zoo who had obviously never seen Indian fantail pigeons before were so taken by their distinct looks that they decided to keep, and later breed and develop them. It was from these two lucky birds that the species of Indian fantail pigeons spread beyond Indian shores and reached the farthest corners of the world.
Florentine- Originated in Italy, is called a hen pigeon as the shape is similar to a hen. This is a large pigeon and very striking with a colored head, colored wing cover and tail and white wings. The colors also include red, yellow, blue, black and black bars.
Homer- There are several varieties of homer pigeons.
Exhibition Homer- Originated in England. It is lighter in weight than the Show Homer, has a straight stout beak.
Genuine Homer - Originated in England and is the exhibition counterpart of the Racing Homer.
German Beauty Homer- Originated from Germany, is an exhibition pigeon much like the Racing Homer but thinner
Giant Homer- Originated in the United States, for its size and squab-producing ability. It is a good utility pigeon, comes in many colors with blue checks and silver being the most popular.
Racing Homer- Originated from Belgium and England, is bred from the best of flyers from other breeds. These pigeons will vary in appearance and are not always the most beautiful.
Show Homer- Originated in England, is a large pigeon with a head which forms a long unbroken, well-arched curve from the tip of the beak to the back of the head. It is bred in many colors.
Hungarian- Originated from Austria, is a cross between the Florentine, the Swallow and another pigeon. It is a large, handsome hen-type pigeon. These are bred in many colors......
Ice Pigeon- Originated in Germany, has light blue ice-like colors. There are two types and they are called clean-legged and muffed. All have about the same color but some have black or white bars, others are barless.
Jacobin - originated in Cyprus, has a hood of feathers that resembles hoods worn by the Jacobin order of monks. The colors are yellow, white, black, blue, silver, and red. This is a good feeder and breeder.
King- The colors of this pigeon are red, yellow, dun, white, blue and silver. Originated in the United States and is a cross of the Swiss Mondaine, Dragoon, Duchess and Florentine. It is a medium sized pigeon weighing up to 35 ounces. The cere and legs are bright red, with a chunky build, and a large well-rounded head.
Lahore Saraji- Named for the Pakistani city Lahore. It is grouse-legged, has feathers on its legs and feet, is fairly large and is used as a utility breed.
Lark- Originated in Germany, is a large pigeon, broad breasted and long bodied and has two varieties, the Coburg Lark and the Buremberg Lark.
Magpie- Originated in Germany, is a small, graceful, streamlined pigeon with a shallow body, snake neck, small head and has a white body, wings, shoulders, legs, colored head, neck, chest, back tail and rump. Magpies come in colors of blue, silver, black, dun, cream, yellow and red.
Maltese- Originated in Germany and Austria, is a large bird, is now bred as a show bird. It has a hen-shaped body, long neck, long, straight legs, with straight tail feathers. The colors are black, silver, blue, red, white, dun and yellow.
Modena- Originated in Italy, comes in two basic core patterns in about 150 different colors. The pigeon is about ten inches in length, has a heavy-set or cobby but graceful appearance, and is a good breeder.
Mondaine- Originated from France, is an excellent utility pigeon with a broad back and a long breast. These make good show birds. They are very long birds.
Mookee - Originally a flying breed from India, Small & 'pert!' becomes VERY tame good parent.
Nun- Originated from Germany, has a shell crest and the markings make it attractive and easy to distinguish from other pigeons. It is a very friendly and easily tamed pigeon and can be allowed to come and go as it pleases.
Oriental Frill- Originated in Turkey and is considered to be a beautiful pigeon, comes in lots of colors, has a frill of feathers on the breast. It has a short beak and peaked crests that rise to the highest point of the head. There are varieties of this pigeon and include: Satinettes, Blondinettes, Turbiteens, and Oriental Turbits.
Owl- Originated in Asia, have clean legs, plain heads, and frills of feathers on the breast. The colors are blue, black, silver, white, yellow and red.
Pouter and Cropper- These make up a very large family, and include: English Pouter, Pigmy Pouter, Dutch Cropper, Old German Cropper, Brunner Pouter, and Holle Cropper. These are very distinctive birds, easily tamed, and the most amusing of all pigeons.
Runt- The largest of all domestic pigeons, can weight up to 2 1/2 pounds, is an excellent utility pigeon, is the oldest of all domestic pigeons. The colors are blue, silver, red, yellow and black.
Scandaroon- Originated in Bagdad, resembles the Carrier in bearing, shape and size, has a long more curved beak more so than any other member of the pigeon family. The colors are blue, white, black, red and yellow with markings similar to the magpie.
Strasser- Originated in Austria as a utility pigeon, is very popular as a fancy breed. It has a colored head, neck, wings, and tail with colored feathers on the back. The rest of the colored feathers on the back. The rest of the body is white. The colors include, black lace, lark colors, blue, blue barred, black or white barred, blue checkered, red or yellow.
Swallow- Originated from Germany, is like a field pigeon with a shell crest and colored head or cap. The colors are black, blue, silver, red and yellow.
Tumbler- Originated in Europe, the varieties include: English Short-Faced Tumbler, Long-Faced Tumblers, Birmingham Roller, Flying Tippler, Parlor Tumbler and German Tumbler. This pigeon was bred for its flying ability and performance. There is also the Parlor Roller that is a performing breed, but does not fly.
Birmingham Roller - The Birmingham Roller was selected by its creators for its tumbling or spinning ability. Birds failing to so perform were eliminated in the course of breeding. The Birmingham Roller should fly high and reasonably long, should kit well, and should "spin" (performing backward somersaults) for a good distance in a "roll", which is not a long series of tumbles nor a lazy drop, but an unbroken whirl like a spinning ball. In a good roller there is no separate motion or distance between each revolution or spin of the body, but the spins are made in unbroken sequence of inconceivable rapidity and lightning whirls. All Rollers do not so perform. Some are merely Tumblers and some roll or spin for only a few yards. Some birds plate-roll or twizzle, which is undesirable. In twizzling, the bird flies in the same plane, apparently trying to touch its tail feathers with its beak. Twizzling is not approved of in good Rollers. Bumping, ie rolling so deep as to hit the ground, is also undesirable. - The Pigeon by Wendell M. Levi
English Short - Faced Tumbler - The Short Faced Tumbler is one of the oldest breeds referred to in Moore's book of 1735
English Long - Faced Tumbler - This breed is available in both clean legged and muffed (feathered legs) varieties. Due to its short beak it requires foster parents to raise its young. The breed is popular around the world and has continued development particularly in the United States.
Tippler - The Tippler is a fine flying machine and a kitting bird. It has been known to stay airborne for 24 hours although the record in competition stands at 22 hours 5 minutes. Its primaries are long and broad allowing the bird to fly with ease and for enjoyment. It is plain-headed and clean legged as not to detract from its sole purpose in life.
German Tumblers - This print depicts Nuns and Krymkas. The Nuns are the three birds on the right There are several other breeds that would be considered German Tumblers
Parlor Rollers - It is not a flying breed, but performs the roll on the ground sometimes a continuous unbroken performance of hundreds of feet.
Turkish Tumblers
West Of England Tumbler - Finding a performing specimen may be difficult now days in the United States. It is a highflier that flies for long durations. Not more than three revolutions is desired and deeper rolling individuals are usually culled. Popular in Southern California and hardly known in the eastern half of the United States. A handsome bird.
Turbit- Originated perhaps in England, France or Germany, is one of the more beautiful pigeons, is hardy and is cared for easily. The body is white, with wing feathers in colors of black, red, blue, dun or yellow.
This page does not show you all the domestic breeds of pigeons, but it gives you an idea of the various types and the diversity in existence today and it is growing. There are currently approximately 474 breeds of domestic pigeons and we cannot show them all here.
Deportiva Pica Pouters
Competition of Pica Pouters. The birds are painted so the judge can tell them apart to properly score them. Each marking or paint job is associated with a particular loft. There is an un-mated hen in there somewhere that has been marked with one or two white feathers tied to its tail. The cock bird who remains closes to the hen most often scores. They will take to flight if and when the hen takes to flight and the scoring continues.
THANK U ! ... good site i follow u
ReplyDeletelender German field pigeon type, origeonaly lark chequered, also in Mealy, with or without bar, the Chequer should NOT be crossed with the other two varieties, excellent parents, an active breed, will become tame but does not like being handled.
colur pigeons|nuremberg lark pigeons|nuremberg